Friday, November 21, 2008

I Need Your Help!

I have SO many ideas that I want to do for my blog here, but I do not know what topic to do next. I want to continue doing a "Line in the Sand" series; the next topic I will probably do will be the sanctity of life. I also want to do a post on my testimony, is hell reasonable, what is the Gospel, and a series breaking down The Ten Commandments, looking at each one individually. I probably have more rolling around in my head, just can't think of them. So, I would love to hear what ideas you have about my next post! Please I need your help, I need to get these out of my head before it explodes! Thank you!

-- The Wretch


Jenn Marshall said...

I think you should break down John 3:16. I thought that was extremely interesting when Pastor Mike did that, but I'd love to see what you come up with.

Keep up the great work! I'm so proud of you!

Jenn Marshall said...

Or you could do the "hints" of Jesus in the Old Testament.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I would love to hear your testimony. That always makes for a good Thanksgiving theme anyway. :) A post on the reasonableness (is that a word? hmmm) of hell would be fascinating too. Are you familiar with the Resolved conference at Grace Church in California? Last year's theme was heaven and hell. They might have some really great material you could use! I really enjoyed their sessions, very interesting and convicting. Here is the website if you care to take a look.

I am really enjoying your posts! Can't wait to see what you decide to do next.

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