Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fishing Update: Inoculated or True Believer?

I have a confession to make, and I ask that you pray for me and my obedience. Last week while at my fishing hole their were a lot of people and I was disobedient; I made excuses not to share the Gospel with anyone. I have been doing this lately at work and while out and about. I pass up perfect opportunities to at least hand out a tract. This morning was Communion, and before taking it I was convicted of this unconfessed sin. I ask for your prayers in this area, thank you.

Well, today I was back at my fishing hole, and it was pretty empty. I saw an older woman sitting by herself, so being obedient I went over and talked to her, her name was Sandy. It turns out she has see lots of different kinds if money tracts before, but not in the million dollar denomination. She seemed to be familiar with Christianity. She told me that she was raised as LDS and then went to Baptist and Pentecostal churches after her parents divorced.

I was naturally concerned, so I wanted to quiz her and see if she had a correct view of man, God, Jesus, salvation, and Mormonism. I asked her to pretend that I was not a Christian and had a knife in my back and only had three minutes to live, and I came up to her, dying, asking what I needed to do to be saved. She said, "I would simply tell you that you need to ask for it (salvation/forgiveness.)" I asked her what she meant by that and explained to her that we need to use more clear language. I told her that "Repentance" and "Faith/Trust" would be closer to what the Bible says (Mark 1:14,15.) I believe that is along the same lines that she was meaning. From a lot of witness encounters/testimonies I have heard, people use Christian lingo, which to the Christian is clear but to the unchurched can be confusing.

I then went though who God is (i.e. the Trinity, eternal, never created, never was a man) and she confirmed that she thought the same way. We talked about God's Sovereignty and many other subjects that I thought I should cover to be sure she had a clear Biblical view of things (at least to the best of MY knowledge.) She agreed with me on all points, which I have to say surprised me with her background.

We somehow got in the subject of creation and atheism. She told me her grandson claimed to be an atheist since his father died (suicide or murder, he was found at the base of the canyon two years ago) and thinks that there can't be a God. Sandy believes that he is just angry at God for allowing it to happen and he is just acting out rebelliously. She told her grandson that their was a chance that he had repented moments before his death. I told her she should share Luke 13:1-5 with him and to use his father's death to get his attention about his own eternity. In that passage, Jesus tells a group after a disaster to repent or they too would perish. She told me that she would do that.

When I fist talked to her I asked if she went to church, and she said she "had been going to a LDS church." This concerned me and also confused me. She said that she has been to many different "Christian" churches, including Catholic. The answers she gave me did not seem to match her buffet of church going. I asked her again if she went to church currently, and she said no. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was concernded about her going to a mormon church, plus it did not make sense with her answers. I invited her to our church on sunday and she said she may check it out.

So, I ask, if you think about it, to pray for Sandy. I am not sure if she is a true believer or if she is inoculated to the truth. Also, please pray for her grandson, that he sees God and all His might and that his grandmother is able to be used by God. And again, I ask that you pray for me to be obedaint to God's commands, thank you.


Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with the post. But nice blog.

Anonymous said...

What an opportunity to witness, Fishing! You are called to be a fisher of men, and women,Sandy. My prayers for Sandy, and Wretch, keep up the Good Work!

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