Friday, January 23, 2009


...No Emergent Church!

"Peace to all of you who are in Christ." (1 Peter 5:14 ESV)

--The Wretch


Samuel Watterson said...

That'd be great. No more "post-rational" nonsense. If the Bible doesn't make sense rationally and logically, then our faith doesn't make sense rationally and logically, and Jesus doesn't make sense rationally and logically, and God is nonsense and we can never know Him. If His revelation is not given according to our powers of reason and logic and rational nature, then Christ has not come, and God has revealed nothing to us, and our faith is vain, and we are still in our sins.

If Brian McLaren and Rob Bell are right, all is vanity and we need not even fear God nor hell. This applies also to people who speak of contradictory wills of God. Let's get back to the biblical and Reformed doctrine of the simplicity of God - He is non-contradictory within Himself. This is the very first word of the tables of the Law. "Hear O Israel! The LORD is one."

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