I would like you to imagine something for me, you have a six year-old son; he is your only son and you are unable to have anymore children. He is the center of your life, you love him virtually more than anything. You two go almost everywhere together: museums, the city park, swimming, putt-putt golf, and even errands.
Today is not unlike any other, he joins you on your daily errands to pay bills, deposit money, get gas, and pick up dinner. So far you have gone to the post office and dropped off your bills and are now walking into the bank. The bank is awfully full today with fairly long lines, of which you join. The man in front of you is spewing obscenities like a fire hydrant, the people in the line next to you are talking about the immoral things they did the night before. Your son asks the man in front of you,"Excuse me sir, could you please not say those bad words?"
The man turns around laughing and says, "Shove-off kid, I will say what ever I want, whenever I want!"
Shocked you ask the man again to refrain from his foul and disrespectful language. The man responds with a string of curse words that you have not heard since high school. He starts to mock you calling you uptight and prudish. He calls attention to you and your son calling your son a brainwashed, snot-nosed, little brat. Gradually, more and more people join in the mocking. everyone is hurling insults at you and your son. You try to speak but the crowd is too loud. You try to leave, but as you head to the door you see something that makes you stop in your tracks. You see about five men run into the bank with masks and guns, the bank is about to be robbed.
Gunfire rings out and debris falls from the ceiling and everyone drops to the floor screaming. Your son, absolutely traumatized from the prior situation and now this, is next to you sobbing and shaking. He is inconsolable. The masked men eventually get everyone to quiet down. except your son. The man in charge yells at you to quiet your child, or he would do it. The men go from person to person taking all they have.
The masked-man in charged says, "Unless you choose someone to die, we are going to kill every single one of you. CHOOSE NOW!"
Almost instantly someone cries out,"That man and his son! Why not, he has brain-washed his son and they are in here trying to get us to stop acting like we want to! What right does he have to tell us to stop doing what we want?" Soon everyone is shouting in agreement.
You and your son are drug to the masked-man. As you stand in front of the man you can smell his stench. His odor reminds you of the rotting carcass of an animal on the side of the road. The man is filthy, everything about the man is absolutely repulsive. Laughing, he bends down and hugs your son ans wraps his jacket around him. He stands up and says to you, "Shoot your son and I will let everyone go, including yourself. If you do not, then everyone dies!" He then hands you a loaded pistol. The gun is heavy, you briefly contemplate shooting the masked-men, but that quickly goes away when you see the assault rifles pointed in your direction.
The crowd starts to shout, "KILL HIM, KILL HIM! SHOOT HIM!"
The masked-man says, "Do it NOW!"
Now, if you were this man would you kill your son to save the people who have mocked you and your son? Imagine that you are willing to do it. As you hold the gun and your son who is covered in filth, you hear your son's sobs. He is shaking as he clings to you leg.
You grab the slide of the gun and pull it back, chambering a round and cocking the hammer, then you turn the safety-off; the gun is now ready to fire. You kneel down next to your son and hug him and tell him how much you love him as people shout to just do it. Slowly you place the barrel of the gun against you son's head. "DADDY!" BANG!
The next thing you feel is the warm sticky blood of your son on your hands and soaking though your clothes. You hold your son close as he bleeds out on to the floor. The masked-man tells everyone to leave and as they all leave they trample on your son's blood, still jeering at you and your son. How do you think this man feels. Those that he sacrificed his son for not only still mocking him, but treading on the very blood at set them free. Would you do that, of course not. I wanted you to see this from this man's perspective, when in reality, you are a person in the crowd who, along with everyone else, shouted for the man to kill is son and disrespectfully walked on the son's blood as you left.
There are two ways one could respond to this. The hostages could just continue on with their lives and not ever think twice about it, or could apologize and thank the man for his sacrifice.
Though all analogies limp and cannot convey perfectly all theologies, this is a rough analogy of the cross and the response of men to that sacrifice. If you have rejected and not have responded to the cross in repentance and faith, you are just like those people who continued to mock the father while treading on the son's blood. Even those who have repented are still guilty until they repented, all humanity was in that crowd shouting "Kill Him!" or "Crucify!"
Have you repented and put your trust in Jesus Christ yet? If not why, why would you reject the offer of forgiveness of sins? Why would you increase the Wrath of God and you will experience in Hell? Please, repent (turn away from your sin and apologize) and then put your trust in the Savior, "Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation." (2 Cor. 6:2)
Please listen to the first song in my music player I have included the lyrics of the song below:
Were You There?
written by shai linne
Verse 1
This story starts at the climax, we find that time’s lapsed- don’t mind that
It’s kind of like a night cap filled with divine acts
We zoom in the lens on Christ's agony on the garden
Doomed for His friends- His tragedy for our pardon
Foreseeing the Father’s cup of wrath has Him stifled and weak
He’s sweating blood with His disciples asleep
The Prince of Peace knows the beef shall increase
Since the thief approaches with the soldiers and the chief priests
His arrest is not just- neither is the trial
While Jesus is being treated foul, He sees Peter’s denial
He’s sent to Pilate, to Herod, back to Pilate
The violence of humanity at its finest
So now He stands before the crowd doomed to die
An angry mob who’s yelling out “crucify”
The way they treat the Lord of glory is debased and it’s foul
But you miss the point if you don’t see your face in the crowd
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there? Were you there? (4x)
Man, sometimes it causes me to tremble
Yo, sometimes it causes me to tremble
Verse 2
This story starts at the climax, we find that time’s lapsed- don’t mind that
It’s kind of like a night cap filled with divine acts
We zoom in the lens on Christ's agony in the garden
Doomed for His friends- it had to be for the pardon
And delivery from misery of kids who speak wickedly
Sinfully, inwardly slick with the iniquity
We see disciples sleep and mock today with a lot to say
But we do the same thing when we don’t watch and pray
Like Judas, we sell Christ out to get the treasure
Whether it’s the cheddar or forbidden pleasure
Like the chief priests, we want Christ to surrender
But we want Him out the way when He doesn’t fit our agenda
Like Peter, we have misplaced, fleshly confidence
But we’ll deny the Lord when faced with deadly consequence
Like Herod, we’re curious about Christ because He’s famous
But we quickly get bored with Him when He doesn’t entertain us
Like Pilate, we see Christ and find nothing wrong with Him
But when the world chooses the wicked, we go right along with them
Despite His kindness, we seek to do our Maker violence
The fallenness of humanity at its finest
So now He stands before the crowd doomed to die
An angry mob who’s yelling out “crucify”
The way they treat the Lord of glory is debased and it’s foul
But you miss the point if you don’t see your face in the crowd
Verse 3
This story starts at the climax, we find that time’s lapsed- don’t mind that
It’s kind of like a night cap filled with divine acts
We zoom in the lens on Christ's agony on the garden
Doomed for His friends- His tragedy for our pardon
Foreseeing the Father’s cup of wrath- it has Him stifled and weak
He’s sweating blood with His disciples asleep
The Prince of Peace knows the beef shall increase
Since the thief approaches with the soldiers and the chief priests
His arrest is not just- neither is the trial
While Jesus is being treated foul, he sees Peter’s denial
He’s sent to Pilate, to Herod, back to Pilate
The violence of humanity at its finest
So now He stands before the crowd doomed to die
An angry mob who’s yelling out “crucify”
The way we treat the Lord of glory is debased and it’s foul
Ashamed, I bow because I see my face in the crowd

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