As you can see from the post, they are giving God all the Glory. As I was working today, I was pondering the progress God has done in Ashley and was struck by a parallel. Granted this is not perfect, but Ashley's progress is similar to what it is like when God saves us from our sins. Ashley was, with out the saving help of machines and trained professionals, dead like we are in our sins before Gods saves us. She was unable to do anything, she could not breathe or do anything to sustain herself. The machines and the doctors and all who helped keep Ashley alive vaguely represent God resuscitating our dead-to-sin souls the moment we repent and put our trust in the Savior. Ashley's progress to this point has been nothing short of a miracle of God. Last I heard she was talking on the phone to our pastor, wanting an caramel frappachino, and today was checking her email and Facebook! Is this change not unlike the inner transformation that happens in a person after salvation?Sat pm
Well, we are 1 day shy of 60 days since Ashley's accident. Take a look at the difference:
Machines breathing for her
At least 10 meds being administered by drip
no movement
no responses
Uncertain of her survival
Unknown of her recovery
Her breathing on her own and NO trache
Only a couple of medicines to help with her recovery
All kinds of movement, scratching her nose to rolling over , sleeping on her side, to standing with assistance.
Talking, expressing her opinion, reading, remembering her family, friends and other things.
Certain of her survival
And looking forward to her next BIG achievement.
And this isn't close to the end of this wonderful, miraculous, God-honoring story.
Please understand, I have done nothing in this venture. God-Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior has done EVERYTHING. He has brought a group of people together to encourage my family and I during this time, people who don't even know each other. In fact, people who didn't even know us until this time. He has brought Ashley from uncertainty to this very day and will carry her through to exactly where HE wants her. He has pulled, poked, stretched me and yet all the while encircling me in HIS loving arms (that would be all of you!) until only His glory shone.
I fully know that this trial isn't over. Our trials will never be done as long as we live on this earth in this flesh BUT GOD (you gotta love those words!) will always be with us.
Blessings to you all, for your love, prayers and ministering spirits. You have changed my life.
Who can say that our God in not a Sovereign God? The world would say that this was a terrible thing to have happen to a young woman and her family, but they are wrong. Everything that happens in ordained by our God, good or bad. Just look at what this event has done to just our church body. It has caused us all to be more ernest in prayer, to be supportive to a family in need, but most importantly it has given us the opportunity to Glorify our King! God is using Ashley to Glorify Himself, just as he does with all of those that have been saved by His wondrous Grace. Christians remember this, we are a trophy of God's grace so that throughout all eternity we will be an example of how Good God is!
[edit] For updates on Ashley's progress here is the link
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